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Enter Word CountBeta read and brief critique: FREE
Beta read and detailed story critique: $
Developmental Editing $
- - Offer suggestions on changing paragraphs to increase clarity and expression.
- - Offer suggestions on changing sentences to reduce word repetition and grammatical errors.
- - Proofread document to correct punctuation and typographical errors.
- - Color-coded mockup to balance dialogue, narration, action, etc.
- - Detailed story critique
- - Includes free re-edits
Copy Editing $
- - Offer suggestions on changing sentences to reduce word repetition and grammatical errors.
- - Proofread document to correct punctuation and typographical errors.
- - Color-coded mockup to balance dialogue, narration, action, etc.
- - Detailed story critique
- - Includes free re-edits
Proofreading + Mockup $
- - Proofread document to correct punctuation and typographical errors.
- - Color-coded mockup to balance dialogue, narration, action, etc.
- - Detailed story critique
- - Includes free re-edits
Proofreading Only $
- - Proofread document to correct punctuation and typographical errors.
- - Detailed story critique
- - Includes free re-edits